Joxe Azurmendi
Joxe Azurmendi Otaegi (born 19 March 1941) is a Basque writer, philosopher, essayist and poet. He has published numerous articles and books on ethics, politics, the philosophy of language, technique, Basque literature and philosophy in general.He is member of ''Jakin'' and the director of ''Jakin irakurgaiak'', a publishing house which has published over 40 books under his management. He also collaborated with the ''Klasikoak'' publishing firm in the Basque translations of various philosophical works and was one of the founders of ''Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea'' (The Basque Summer University). He is currently a Professor of Modern Philosophy and a lecturer at Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (The University of the Basque Country). In 2010 he was awarded the title "honorary academic" by Euskaltzaindia (The Basque Language Academy).
Azurmendi is an intellectual who studies the problem more than the solution. Azurmendi's essays cover modern European topics in great depth and knowledge. He has incorporated the philosophy and thinking of European thinkers, especially German ones. He often adopts a polemic tone.
Joxe Azurmendi is, in the opinion of many, one of the most prolific and erudite thinkers in the Basque Country. Provided by Wikipedia
1[Aretxabaleta] : Azatza , D.L. 1992Book
2Andoain : Jakin ; Leioa : Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua , L.G. 2020Book
6Donostia : Elkar , [2015]Other authors: '; “...Azurmendi, Joxe 1941-...”
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7Donostia : Elkar , [2014]Book
In : Gogoz, hitzez eta egitez : Pello Huiziri eskainitako lanak / Kepa Korta eta Jesus Mari Larrazabal (argitaratzaileak) , [Bilbao]:Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Argitalpen Zerbitzua,[2011], p. 121-148
9Tafalla : Txalaparta , 2013Other authors: '; “...Azurmendi, Joxe 1941-...”
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10Donostia : Jakin ; Bilbo : Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea , [2013]Book
11Bilbao : Labayru Ikastegia : Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa Fundazioa : Arantzazu E.F. , 2003Other authors: '; “...Azurmendi, Joxe 1941-...”
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12Donostia : Elkar , [2012]Book
13Tafalla : Txalaparta , 2012Book
14Donostia : Jakin , [2011]Other authors: '; “...Azurmendi, Joxe 1941-...”
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In : Inprecor : correspondencia de prensa internacional : intercontinental press : boletín interno de debate internacional / [Liga Comunista Revolucionaria]. , [Bruselas] : [Secretariado Unificado de la IV Internacional], [1974]-., N. 71 (sept. 1989), p. 22
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In : Inprecor : correspondencia de prensa internacional : intercontinental press : boletín interno de debate internacional / [Liga Comunista Revolucionaria]. , [Bruselas] : [Secretariado Unificado de la IV Internacional], [1974]-., N. 71 (sept. 1989), p. 21
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17Donostia : Elkar , [2009]Book
18Bilbo : Udako Euskal Uniberstitatea , 2007Book
19Donostia : Jakin , [2007]Other authors: '; “...Azurmendi, Joxe 1941-...”
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20Donostia : Jakin , [2007]Other authors: '; “...Azurmendi, Joxe 1941-...”