En la sombra del Estado : esfera pública nacional y homogeneización cultural en la España de la Restauración = In the shadows of the State: national public sphere and cultural homogenization in restoration Spain

This article seeks to analyse the interrelation between the nationalization dynamics promoted by the State and those ones coming from below. The analysis of the period of the Spanish Restoration allows to propose an alternative interpretation to the theses that have emphasized the weakness of the na...

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Número de control: 365469 Artículo de revista
Autor Principal: Archilés i Cardona, Ferran
Otros Autores: García Carrión, Marta
Idioma: Español
Acceso electrónico: https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/catart?codigo=4096069
Ejemplares relacionadas: Publicado en: Historia contemporánea n. 45 (2012)

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