Ekonomia sozialaren analisia lurralde ikuspegitik : Euskal Herrian, Espainian, Frantzian zein Europan = Social economy analysis from the territorial point of view: Basque Country, Spain, France and Europe = Análisis de la economía social desde el punto de vista territorial: País Vasco, España, Francia y Europa

The social economy has been strengthened in a process that stretches over 40 years and this is largely due to the identification of the sector with particular legal entities. The fact that it defined itself in this manner has raised its prominence. It has attained substantial consolidation in the...

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Número de control: 445342 Artículo de revista
Autor Principal: Lasa Altuna, Eusebio
Otros Autores: Etxezarreta Etxarri, Enekoitz
ISSN: 0211-5891
Idioma: Euskera
Ejemplares relacionadas: Publicado en: Lurralde: Investigación y espacio N? 43 (2020)

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