Mouse embryo Hox gene enhancers assayed in cell culture: Hoxb4, b8 and a7 are activated by Cdx1 protein

Mouse Hox gene enhancer elements have typically been identified and characterized using Hox/lacZ transgenic mouse embryos. Such studies have, for example, identified Cdx responsive binding motifs in the enhancers of Hoxb8 and Hoxa7. Production of transgenic mouse embryos involves issues of cost, wel...

Descripción completa

Número de control: 421599 Artículo de revista
Autor Principal: Gaunt, Stephen J.
ISSN: 0214-6282
Idioma: Inglés
Ejemplares relacionadas: Publicado en: International journal of developmental biology Vol. 62, Extraordinario N. 11-12 (2018)