Lan arriskuen prebentzioak behar al du estandar pribaturik? ISO 45001 estandarra aztergai = Does the Occupational Health and Safety Field Need a Private Standard? Shedding light on the ISO 45001

The generation and dissemination process of standards for corporate self-regulation had been a successful phenomenon in the last three decades. It?s a very complex phenomenon fostered by the pressure to adopt global supply chains and in the context of the inability on the part of governments to purs...

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Número de control: 374433 Artículo de revista
Autor Principal: Ibarloza Arrizabalaga, Ander
Otros Autores: Heras Saizarbitoria, Iñaki, Allur Aramburu, Erlantz
Idioma: Euskera
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Ejemplares relacionadas: Publicado en: Lan harremanak: Revista de relaciones laborales n. 36 (2017)