Euskara batuaren garapen lexiko-diskurtsiboa : batasunetik aniztasun funtzionalerantz the decade of the sixties, the main concern of the experts in Basque language was how to unite the speech community. However, after forty years of Standard Basque, the objective is to develop a language that is well adapted to each regist...

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Número de control: 377765 Artículo de revista
Autor Principal: Elordui Urkiza, Agurtzane
Otros Autores: Zabala Unzalu, Igone
Idioma: Euskera
Acceso electrónico:
Ejemplares relacionadas: Publicado en: Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca Julio de Urquijo: International journal of basque linguistics and philology Vol. 43, N. 1-2 (2009)