Límites constitucionales a la inserción de tasas judiciales autonómicas. Comentario crítico a la STC 71/2014, de 6 de mayo = Constitutional limits to the establishment of autonomic court fees. Review of Judgment 71/2014 of the Spanish Constitutional Court

The judicial taxes also takes other matters as their creation by autonomous Communities with faculties assumed in this area. The Spanish Constitutional Court already has had occasion to practise a pronouncement on the question though, in our opinion, still float on this trouble, and whose his decisi...

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Número de control: 381417 Artículo de revista
Autor Principal: Sánchez Álvarez, Eduardo
Idioma: Español
Ejemplares relacionadas: Publicado en: Estudios de Deusto: revista de la Universidad de Deusto Vol. 64, N. 1 (2016)