Ativismo de vítimas do incêndio na boate Kiss: Evento traumático, causa pública e conflitos morais = Victims? activism from the Kiss nightclub fire: traumatic event, public cause and moral conflicts = El activismo de las víctimas del incendio del club Kiss: evento traumático, causa pública y conflictos morales

This article addresses the activism of victims? relatives of the Kiss nightclub fire that took place in Santa Maria, in south Brazil, in 2013 causing 242 deaths. I have been accompanying for the past three years the actions carried out by the Santa Maria do Luto à Luta movement. I focus here on the...

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Número de control: 388571 Artículo de revista
Autor Principal: Arosi, Ana Paula
Idioma: Portugués
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Ejemplares relacionadas: Publicado en: Papeles del CEIC, International Journal on Collective Identity Research N. 1 (Marzo 2017)