Ipar Euskal Herriko gizarte zibilaren egoera : eragileen irudiak = The situation of civil society in the Northern Basque Country: the agents?images

Lately, talk about "civil society" is proliferating in the mass media and in academic discourse as well. The term is often used to refer to associations that are distinguished from public institutions, political parties and labor unions. Most research works characterize these civil associa...

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Número de control: 388787 Artículo de revista
Autor Principal: Urteaga Olano, Eguzki
Idioma: Euskera
Ejemplares relacionadas: Publicado en: Gogoa: Euskal Herriko Unibersitateko hizkuntza, ezagutza, komunikazio eta ekintzari buruzko aldizkaria Vol. 4, N. 2 (2004)