Patrimonio y presente de la arquitectura en Navarra = Heritage and present on architecture in Navarre = Nafarroako arkitekturaren ondarea eta orainaldia

In the last decades the architecture of Navarre has reach an international reputation for many reasons: his buildings; the urban planning and development of Pamplona, a model under many aspects; and the prestige of its architects, repeatedly awarded in Spain and abroad. A series of activities of arc...

Descripción completa

Número de control: 410847 Artículo de revista
Autor Principal: Pozo Municio, José Manuel
Otros Autores: Munárriz Clemos, Efrén
ISSN: 0032-8472
Idioma: Español
Ejemplares relacionadas: Publicado en: Príncipe de Viana Año nº 79, . 270 (2018)