Observaciones acerca del acento de la zona occidental de Gipuzkoa

This paper examines the parameters of variation found in the accentual systems of western Guipuscoa. This area includes varieties with very different accentual systems ranging from some which are fundamentally identical to southwestern Biscayan to others that are more akin to the central Biscayan sy...

Descripción completa

Número de control: 416921 Artículo de revista
Autor Principal: Hualde, José Ignacio
ISSN: 0582-6152
Idioma: Español
Acceso electrónico: https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/catart?codigo=2778129
Ejemplares relacionadas: Publicado en: Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca Julio de Urquijo: International journal of basque linguistics and philology Vol. 27, N. 1 (1993)
Resumen: This paper examines the parameters of variation found in the accentual systems of western Guipuscoa. This area includes varieties with very different accentual systems ranging from some which are fundamentally identical to southwestern Biscayan to others that are more akin to the central Biscayan system to yet others with only very limited accentual contrasts.