Zatia eta osotasuna : komunitaterako hirigintzaren oinarriak

There are several variables to strengthen community identity, and urbanism is not the least important. That was the aim of the Neighborhood Unit concept created in the XXth century: to develop urbanism for the community trouhg architecture. Those ideas are still valid to structure the XXIst century...

Descripción completa

Número de control: 430333 Artículo de revista
Autor Principal: Fernández de Betoño Saenz de Lacuesta, Unai
ISSN: 1889-7185
Idioma: Euskera
Ejemplares relacionadas: Publicado en: Aldiri: arkitektura eta abar N. 19 (2014)
Resumen: There are several variables to strengthen community identity, and urbanism is not the least important. That was the aim of the Neighborhood Unit concept created in the XXth century: to develop urbanism for the community trouhg architecture. Those ideas are still valid to structure the XXIst century society, reviewing and adapting some of those concepts.
Komunitatearen nortasuna indartzeko hainbat aldagai duade, eta urbanistikoa ez da garrantzi gutxienekoa. XX. mendean sortutako auzo-unitatearen kontzeptuak horixe zuen helburu, komunitaterako hirigintza arkitekturaren alorretik garatzea. Orduko ideiak XXI. mendeko gizartea ere egituratzeko baliagarriak dira, zenbait kontzeptu berrztertuz eta egokituz.