Inteligencia artificial aplicada a la salud : ¿qué marco jurídico? = Artificial intelligence applied to health: what legal framework?

The implementation of Artificial Intelligence tools in the fields of medicine and health care is a challenge full of opportunities and risks. From a legal point of view the question is equally complex, in this article we develop some of the questions that arise from different perspectives; the le...

Descripción completa

Número de control: 445627 Artículo de revista
Autor Principal: Romeo Casabona, Carlos María
Otros Autores: Lazcoz Moratinos, Guillermo
ISSN: 1134-7198
Idioma: Español
Ejemplares relacionadas: Publicado en: Revista de derecho y genoma humano: genética, biotecnología y medicina avanzada = Law and the human genome review: genetics, biotechnology and advanced medicine N? 52 (2020)