La familia Allende, entre Gordejuela y las Indias. Estudo sobre emigración vasca en el siglo XVIII = The Allende family, between Gordejuela and the Indies. A study of Basque emigration during the XVIII century

The following research article contextualizes migration along four generations within the Allende Family, from Gordexola, Bizkaia. It describes how the small rural owners used emigration as a strategy to preserve the survival and continuity of their household during a period of deep changes and tran...

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Número de control: 446410 Artículo de revista
Autor Principal: Lanzagorta Diego, María Rosario
ISSN: 0214-7939
Idioma: Español
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Ejemplares relacionadas: Publicado en: Kobie. Antropología cultural N?. 17 (2013)