De nombre : BILBAO = Bilbao by name = Izenez, Bilbo

Bilbao-Bilbo, is the name of our Township, and by extension it is the patronymic of many of its children and bodies; but there also settlements in different parts of the world with the same place-name, Bilbao, as well as objects and artistic-cultural products; these are an example of the creativity...

Descripción completa

Número de control: 447774 Artículo de revista
Autor Principal: Mujika Goñi, Amaia
ISSN: 1137-4888
Idioma: Español
Acceso electrónico:
Ejemplares relacionadas: Publicado en: Bidebarrieta: Revista de humanidades y ciencias sociales de Bilbao N?. 8 (2000)